One of my best friends used to rave about why Seventh-day Adventists teachers teaching in South Korea weren't given dietary cards to take to the Korean restaurants (we live in Korea), so we could maintain the healthy, "clean" SDA diet. Many teachers who just arrived didn't have linguistic skills or knowledge about what was in Korean food, so eating in the restaurants that was obviously loaded with pork and shellfish would be against the SDA moral values of respecting the dietary laws given by God. God gave the dietary laws to Moses after He led the children of Israel out of Egyptian captivity, and those laws are documented in Leviticus 11. Jews and SDAs follow these laws; perhaps other religious groups do as well. Anyway, my friend who had lived in Japan for a year had been given such a card stating what foods SDAs avoid, and she along with other teachers teaching in Japan would present the card at restaurants and so felt assured that they wouldn't order anything against their principles.
Well, along these lines, I just bumped into a gluten-free restaurant card to be taken to foreign restaurants. The card can be printed out in German, Spanish, Scandinavia [sic], Dutch, Italian, and French ... European languages. Chinese, Russian, and Arabic, other major world languages, as well as Japanese and Korean are strangely absent from this list. However, with Google translate it's possible to translate this gluten-free request card in any language.
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Ich darf aus medizinishen Gründen keine Produkte aus Weizen, Roggen, Gerste oder Hafer essen, also auch nichts Paniertes oder Mehl-Gebundenes. Mais, Reis, Kartoffeln, Gemüse, Fleisch usw. sind erlaubt. Auch Suppen und Saucen, die mit Maisstärke oder Kartoffelmehl gebunden sind.
Por orden médica me está prohibido ingerir alimentos que deriven de trigo, avena, cebada y centeno, y por lo tanto nada que sea apanado o espesado con harina. MaÃz, arroz, patatas, verduras, carne, etc. están permitidos en mi dieta, asà también sopas y salsas espesadas con maicena o harina de patatas.
(Norway, Denmark, Sweden)
Av medisinske grunner er jeg ikke tillatt aa spise noen produkter laget av eller med hvete, rug, bygg eller havre; heller ikke panering eller legering av disse kornsortene. Jeg kan spise mais, ris, poteter, gronnsaker, kjott, fisk osv. Kan ogsaa spise supper og sauser jevnet med mais eller potestivelse.
Drager van deze kaart heeft coeliakie (glutenintolerantie). Het is absoluut verboden tarwe,rogge, hever en gerst te eten. Ook producten waarin deze granen zijn verwerkt zoals vermicelli, paneermeel en sauzen (bindmiddel) zijn zeer schadelijk. Elk contact met deze gluten bevattende granen/meelprodukten moet vermeden worden! Bij twijfel wil ik QraaQ met u overleggen.
Per ragione medicali mi e vietato di mangiare prodotti fatti di grano, di segale, d’ orzo O d’avena dunque niente che sia preparato con farina O panato. Sono permessi mais, riso, patate, legumi, carne, ect…e anche minestra e salse legati al amido.
Pour des raisons medicales, il m’est interdit de manger des produits contenant du froment (ble), du siegle, de l’orge ou de l’avoine, donc egalement ce qui est pane ou lie avec de la farine. Le mais, le riz, les pommes de terre, les legumes, les viandes, etc… me sont permis, ainsi que les soups et les sauces liees avec de l’ amidon ( de mais) ou avec de la fecule de pomme de terre.
This article has been assessed and approved by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.
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