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Raw Salads and Simple Tasty Dressings

Parsley, diced cucumbers and diced tomatoes in equal amounts = salsa
Dressing: 2 lemons, 1+ T lemon zest, slightly less extra-virgin olive oil to lemon ratio, 2-4 minced garlic cloves, salt and pepper to taste

Was tired of my lemon-olive oil dressing which I pretty much ate all the time when I first got candida. One day in desperation I made this, but I can't remember quite how I did it. Almond butter for the nuttiness, coconut oil to add a bit of sweet flavor and to smooth out the almond butter, and from there I'm not certain. Oddly I probably blended a cucumber to give the dressing some liquid flow and certainly salt. Anyway, the almond butter nuttiness really complemented the cabbage slaw.

More of my all-time favorite lemon-olive oil dressing. Sometimes I varied it up a bit by adding fresh herbs: sometimes parsley, sometimes basic (YUM!), sometimes cilantro (YUM!), sometimes fresh dill (FAVORITE!)

Excellent for just dipping!

Sometimes I soaked pumpkin seeds to soften them for easier digestion, and then without throwing out the water (the seeds were barely covered so there wasn't lots of excess) added lemon juice, salt and pepper and tossed with simple salad greens. Nice toss salad. Garlic could be added for extra flavor as could lemon zest. A very basic recipe and easy to alter.


The early days of candida were horrible! And there weren't many things I could successfully eat without feeling like the south end of a donkey going north. Salad and these simple salad dressings comprised most of my early candida diet .... and I attribute the heavy chlorophyll of the greens and the natural anti-fungal properties of garlic and the supportive coconut oil for calories and which actually helps heal the GI track as being my biggest anti-candida treating aids.

8+ years later I still have some issues but I get along quite happily. I can now go to restaurants and choose carefully off of the menu, and I can eat a bit of sugar. I do, however, have food reactions I didn't have years ago -- not allergies since my blood tests are fine, but reactions that stem from some kind of imbalance in the flora of my gut. I'm just saying this as other people I know who have had systemic candida as badly as I did still also have residual issues, and some of my friends have relapsed, mostly because of returning to a more normal diet too soon and one because of stress. I've also talked with people who have "fully" recovered, but one thing that all of my friends and contacts with candida have in common is that they continue to pay attention to the needs of their bodies, AND despite being "well", almost none of them have returned (by choice) to their pre-candida day diets.


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