There's a lot to be said about living a healthy lifestyle. Eating well is not the only requirement of being healthy. The famous lifestyle center, The Golden Door, teaches lifestyle change and blogger Kathy of Healthy. Happy. Life. 100% Vegan blogged on her experience at the elite modern Japanese-like decor lifestyle center. In her 7 Wellness Habits I Picked Up at the Golden Door Kathy shares what she learned from the Golden Door lifestyle center on what a person should do to incorporate more well-roundedness in healthy living.
The 7 lifestyle habit summary:
The 7 lifestyle habit summary:
1. Follow the sun. Wake earlier, sleep earlier.Some of the pictures Kathy shared in her blog really focus on relaxation, heathy eating, hydration, rest, hygiene, and sunshine.
2. Make tea-drinking a habit! After meals and late-afternoon tea times help to warm, hydrate, calm hunger cravings and ease digestion, not to mention the many tea antioxidants available to you.
3. Exercise, but try new things when it comes to exercise, and have fun doing it! So many options exist, from zumba to tap dancing. Fitness can be FUN!
4. Eat slowly. Avoid eating in haste, but actually dine when you eat. Practice mindfulness with each bite.
5. Be adventurous! Embrace your adventurous spirit in all you do. Fear nothing. Try everything. Live to the fullest. Dream big and live big!
6. Fruit. Veggies. Fruit. Veggies. Add them to your meals, snacks and eat them all day long. They are the healthiest foods on earth! Eat them raw with all their live and healing juices energizing you with live and healing strength.
7. Just MOVE. Whether you are taking out the garbage or taking a cardio class, find time in your day to move the amazing body you were given. Get that heart pumping and oxygen flowing. Moving more WILL give you more energy as well as improve your mood and metabolism. Just move, move, move!
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