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Showing posts from February, 2013

Tangy Avocado Dill Dip

Because I had a molar gouged out, according to the dentist it's very important that a person takes amoxicillin to combat the bacteria in teeth from relocating to the heart ... and killing the patient. I wasn't going to take the amoxicillin because it's an antibiotic and therefore a feeder of candida, but when I asked a friend who's very much into holistic health about it, she told me the same. I decided it might not be a bad idea to take the amoxicillin ... but I'm going to combat the chemical and bacteria toxins with LOTS and LOTS of enzymes. So even before I had the molar pulled, I started soaking lentil, mung bean, and a tiny black bean to make enzyme-rich sprouts for feeding my body, especially while it's undergoing so much medical stress.   And since sprouts need a little something to make eating large amounts of them very palatable, I whipped up a creamy tangy dressing, which turned out VERY YUM! Tangy Avocado Dill Dip/Dressing 1 avoca...

Molar Extraction and Pain-killer Soups

Today, finally after 3 1/2 years of living with a cracked and repaired molar, I got it pulled! Yes! Systemic candida is also perpetuated by bacteria that gets into the gums, especially in infected teeth, and though the infected tooth may be "cleaned out" and capped, the bacteria still resides deep in the gums and still feesd the blood flow with the infected bacteria. I have been rather worried about my cracked tooth for a long time. It cracked at the height of all my health problems over 3 years ago, and my teeth for the first time in my life were nasty. Loads of bacteria, bad breath, plaque, and inflammation in the throat. [The scaling given by the hygienist turned my bad mouth and health situation around and I actually started getting batter.] Once the hygienist finished the scaling, the dentist came over the see the damage of the cracked molar. Yikes! He injected me with whatever they use to anesthetize the tooth, I had a throat-tightening reaction. Very scary! I ...

Sunflower Black-eyed-pea Hummus

The black-eyed-peas were cooked overnight in a slow cooker; otherwise, this recipe too would be raw. I'm experimenting with protein and fiber-rich foods like beans, but still want to maintain a very high percentage of raw in my diet. This is pretty good. One thing about black-eyed-peas is that they can be eaten straight out of the crock pot without any seasonings, including salt. There's just something satisfying about their flavor that seems complete. Adding a just a touch of cumin and turmeric does bring out their flavor a lot though. Sunflower Seed and Black-eyed-pea Hummus   1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked and drained 1 cup cooked black-eyed-peas with 1/2+ cup bean broth 2-3 large garlic cloves 1-2 tablespoons olive oil (optional) cumin turmeric sea salt The hummus spread on the raw,dehydrated lentil cracker (this one shaped like a personal pizza). My personal pizza - raw lentil cracker for the crust, hummus, cilantro pesto, fresh parsley and chopped tomatoes.

Broccoli Flax Wraps (raw)

It seems I was a bit overly ambitious about quantities when making my first flax bread/wraps, but the recipes I've read online tend to use small amounts, which puts the "cooks" forever in the kitchen and I just don't have time for that. So unlike other recipes of 1/3 or 1/2 cup of flaxseeds, I used a whole cup ... and kept adding water ... and kept adding water ... and kept adding water to make quite a lot of wraps. I'm not sure I like raw broccoli in bread wraps - it's faintly astringent - but with salad tucked inside, I didn't notice the astringency at all. Broccoli Flax Wraps (raw) 1 cup flaxseeds soaked in one cup of water  more water as necessary (3 or so cups) 1 1/2 cups broccoli in florets 3 large cloves of garlic sea salt Let the flaxseeds and water sit for 15 minutes; meanwhile, cut up the broccoli. Then blend the broccoli in batches in with the gelling flaxseeds. Keep adding water as necessary to keep the batter blending but ...

First Sugar-free Raw Pie!

Without using any sugar or sweeteners, I must rely on blending food flavors to lend that dessert "sweetness" people so much like. Well, my cranberry-topped zucchini "cheesecake" is pretty good, especially since I prefer savory over sweet, which this is a unique conbination of.  Raw, completely sugar-free zucchini "cheesecake"   Crust: 1 cup washed walnuts 1/3 cup hemp seeds 4 tablespoons flaxseeds 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon coriander pinch of sea salt water as needed Filling: 1 large skinned zucchini 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, soaked & drained 1/2 cup liquid coconut oil pinch of sea salt Topping: 1/2 cup frozen cranberries, chopped All of the ingredients in the list above are naturally sweet, except the walnuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and sea salt, oh, and the tart cranberries! I would have used the naturally sweet almond but didn't have any on hand, but this turned out pretty d...

"The Hundred-Year Lie" - A Book of Truth

Randall Fitzgerald compiled a powerhouse of information of what governments/individuals are doing to alter our food supply in some monetarily beneficial way to them but at the loss and suffering of the majority. Fitzgerald labeled his book The Hundred-Year Lie because the lie began in earnest in 1906, the year the US Congress enacted the Pure Foods and Drugs Act, the first law of its kind giving the public a false sense of security about the safety of its foods and medicines. He goes on to expose what "natural flavors" really mean, the harm in vaccines, the ludicrousness of supplements as being beneficial rather than the chemical harming substances they really are. He discusses in detail about how fluoride got dumped into our water supply, which resulted in the company getting paid by the government for preventing tooth decay in people rather than paying $8,000 a truckload to haul off and dump their toxic waste somewhere (p. 130-1). Fitzgerald gave data from a...