Because I had a molar gouged out, according to the dentist it's very important that a person takes amoxicillin to combat the bacteria in teeth from relocating to the heart ... and killing the patient. I wasn't going to take the amoxicillin because it's an antibiotic and therefore a feeder of candida, but when I asked a friend who's very much into holistic health about it, she told me the same. I decided it might not be a bad idea to take the amoxicillin ... but I'm going to combat the chemical and bacteria toxins with LOTS and LOTS of enzymes. So even before I had the molar pulled, I started soaking lentil, mung bean, and a tiny black bean to make enzyme-rich sprouts for feeding my body, especially while it's undergoing so much medical stress. And since sprouts need a little something to make eating large amounts of them very palatable, I whipped up a creamy tangy dressing, which turned out VERY YUM! Tangy Avocado Dill Dip/Dressing 1 avoca...