These were excellent, easy, will have to be made again, and next time I'll have to measure. When I make such large quantities, my guestimates don't work properly. Suffice it to say, that the key ingredients were quinoa flour, millet flour, flaxseeds, blackbeans freshly out of the crockpot, and then the other ingredients like onions, garlic, herbs and seasonings. The mixing bowl that I made these in was huge, and the bowl was almost full. Wow, I really made a pile of burgers, most of which will go into the freezer for those busy days on the go. How to make black bean burgers To make good burgers, texture is necessary, so the black beans were partially mashed to kind of break them up, but so they could peak through for flavor and color. Also, the onions were cut in big enough pieces to also be visible and for that all-important texture. Once the mixture is ready, pat the patties out uniformly by using a large-mouth jar ring. My mom's clever idea. She found that burgers of...