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Showing posts from April, 2018

Raw Salads and Simple Tasty Dressings

Parsley, diced cucumbers and diced tomatoes in equal amounts = salsa Dressing: 2 lemons, 1+ T lemon zest, slightly less extra-virgin olive oil to lemon ratio, 2-4 minced garlic cloves, salt and pepper to taste Was tired of my lemon-olive oil dressing which I pretty much ate all the time when I first got candida. One day in desperation I made this, but I can't remember quite how I did it. Almond butter for the nuttiness, coconut oil to add a bit of sweet flavor and to smooth out the almond butter, and from there I'm not certain. Oddly I probably blended a cucumber to give the dressing some liquid flow and certainly salt. Anyway, the almond butter nuttiness really complemented the cabbage slaw. More of my all-time favorite lemon-olive oil dressing. Sometimes I varied it up a bit by adding fresh herbs: sometimes parsley, sometimes basic (YUM!), sometimes cilantro (YUM!), sometimes fresh dill (FAVORITE!) Excellent for just dipping! Someti...