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Showing posts from August, 2014

Dairy-free Veggie Primavera

Gluten-free pasta of your choice   Veggies:  2 carrots, sliced 1 large onion, sliced 1 zucchini, angle-sliced 1 yellow squash, angle-sliced 2 scallions, sliced 5-6 cloves garlic, sliced olive oil Primavera Sauce:  3/4 - 1 cup cashews 1 small onion, chopped 2 t. turmeric powder 2-3 cloves garlic handful of basic leaves, if desired salt and pepper to taste  prepare your veggies first, lightly sauté the garlic and shallots in olive oil then add in the remaining veggies, and add water to nearly cover them. cooking at high temps kills enzymes really quickly so simmer, if time permits When the veggies are tender, pour the sauce made in a high-speed blender over the veggies and cook another 10 or so minutes. Sauce will thicken on its own. After the sauce and veggies are ready, mix them into the pasta. I can't eat mushrooms or the marinade, but I made them for others at the table to have a fuller Italian-like meal.  Homemade almond milk and my meal (minus the marinated ...

Veggie Juice Pulp Crackers

When making veggie juice with a juice extractor, the fiber of the plants has mostly been removed to expedite assimilation of vitamins and minerals of the straight juice, but there's no reason why the squeezed vegetable fibers, also rich in vitamins and minerals, need to be tossed. The bulky plant fibers can be added to other ingredients to make bread, crackers, crusts, pot pies, and to retain their full vitamin B count [heat kills vitamins B & C], they can remain in their raw state, so even raw foodists can utilize this veggie juice "waste". I especially like making crackers with the juice pulp. Unfortunately, this time I didn't find any zesty sesame leaves in the market because they add a delightful zing to crackers, but the parsley works pretty well for added flavor. And btw, I juiced the cucumbers last to better flush out the juicer but, as I wasn't too sure about the cooked flavor of cucumbers, I refrained from using the cucumber pulp, not that there was m...