Iodine deficiency is a widespread problem in the US, and I grew up in the "goiter belt" which includes Michigan as Michigan along with a large swath of territory does not have iodine in the soil. As a result, the lack of iodine in this area makes locals particularly prone to getting goiters, a result of thyroid nutrition deficiency. And especially since I've had Graves Disease, I'm particularly susceptible to iodine insufficiency even now with the disease in "remission". So here's an alternative and natural treatment to help keep more thyroid problems at bay. TEST Apply two (2) drops of tinctured Thy-Well (brand used at Hippocrates Health Institute) iodine to the inside of the upper arm. After 24 hours, if the spot is no longer visible (or even if only slightly visible), it is an indication that the body is iodine deficient. TREATMENT Mix four (4) drops of castor oil and one (1) drop of non-tinctured iodine in the palm of your hand and apply t...