Socca originates from Nice in the south of France, but variations of it exist in northern Africa where a variation of it is called kalinti, karane or karantika in Morocco and garantita in Algeria. The kalinti popular as street food in Morocco gets its name from the Spanish word for hot, caliente , for it is usually served hot with the spices of cumin and harissa. Kalinti is more flan-like with egg and milk mixed in the batter than the thinner, crispier socca de Nice of France and farinata of Italy [ farinata literally means "made of flour"], but all recipes rely on the key ingredient of garbanzo bean flour. That said, however, some garbanzo/chick pea flour is unroasted (as in this recipe) while others may use besan (or gram flour), which is made from roasted chickpeas. Chickpea or garbanzo bean flour is widely used in Asian, Middle Eastern, Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi cuisines, not to mention northern Africa, and so can easily be found in many ethnic stores. Chi...