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Showing posts from January, 2016

Milk Is Good Food? Think Again!

No other animal in the wild drinks the milk of another species. No other animal in the wild drinks its’ own mother’s milk past the age of weaning. There are a number of reasons why drinking cow’s milk is not the best choice for humans. Here are just a few: Cow’s milk protein is 85% casein which is potentially carcinogenic to humans. It is therefore a potential contributing cause of eczema, acne, kidney disease, arthritis, tooth decay, asthma, irritable bowels, sinus problems, Crohn's, colitis, MS, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. Cow’s milk is rich in a simple sugar called lactose, or “milk sugar.” However, after infancy, many people lose their ability to digest lactose. The result is that undigested lactose travels to the large intestine where bacteria break this sugar down, producing anything from gas, to cramps, to diarrhea. Cow’s milk is either a contributing cause or the sole cause for many people’s intestinal problems. Cow’s milk and other products (eggs, cheese, an...

A "Cure-all" Anti-fungal Recipe

[Any time I see this kind of advertising—"the most powerful", "kills any infection", I immediately become skeptical, especially as (1) it reads like a come-on gimmick, and (2) if it’s so good, why reiterate it but just state that it is good and let logic rule rather than hammer in the marketing hit phrase “best ever”. After reading the ingredients—some of which I’ve had reactions to with my candida—I really must doubt this “therapy”. However, I post it here so other people can read another perspective and have a fair chance of making an “informed decision” before they blindly pump this cure-all into their already damaged bodies, assuming the reader here has candida. This recipe sounds pretty potent and effective; however, for people with candida I would recommend caution and revision of the recipe. My comments on a few key points people with candida should consider are in orange. ] This Is The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever – Kills Any Infe...