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Showing posts from May, 2015

The Importance of Good Water

Water: The Clear Choice (a pamphlet by Vibrant Life magazine) Water provides true refreshment for the thirsty, but most people don't know that it also plays a vital role in all bodily processes. Unfortunately, most people don't drink enough water, perhaps because they don't realize how important it is. The fact is, not drinking enough water affects every aspect of your body, right out to your skin. Essential for Life Although deficiencies of other nutrients can be sustained for months or even years, a person can survive only a few days without water. Experts rank water second only to oxygen as essential for life. Water supplies the medium in which your body's various chemical changes occur, aiding in digestion, absorption, circulation, and lubrication of body joints. Water is used for virtually all bodily functions, including carrying nutrients and oxygen around the body and eliminating waste. Waster maintains body temperature through perspiration...

Shrinking Ovarian Cysts

Many people with candida, particularly women and that is who typically is struck hardest with candida, have menstruation difficulties and extreme hormonal imbalances. Many of these people also develop cysts on their ovaries, and I have one which causes discomfort at times. Looking at the following article giving tips on how naturally to eliminate an ovarian cyst makes me think that the carefully followed candida diet is a key to eradicating, eliminating or at least controlling the growth of the cyst; however, some other tips such as careful use of laundry detergents and herbs help too. I liked the tips, particularly comments on herbs for helping to regulate the hormones, as I've had issues for years, long before I developed full-blown candida, so I am reposting the article from Healthy Holistic Living:  8 Easy Ways to Shrink Your Ovarian Cysts Naturally Before taking medication or doing surgery, consider these healthier alternatives to curing ovarian cysts. A natural opti...