A friend from the UK is having extreme health issues, most of which clearly are food reactions on foods that he previously ate with joy. His issues are very similar to what mine were - absolute confusion about what is going on and unable to get answers. In trying to get answers he keeps trimming foods but the symptoms rage on. So he decided to undergo a serious bloodwork battery from a healthcare practitioner who recognizes systemic candida as a problem and looks for dietary alterations to control symptoms. The practitioner does not diagnose, but he/she is licensed to advise on diet and nutritional intake to control symptoms. With permission my friend has allowed me to publish his bloodwork. The bloodwork and dietary suggestions are specific to my friend's needs and are not to be used to treat others. However, others may benefit from ideas in how a healthcare practitioner advises his/her clients so as to mask symptoms and regain control of one's diet, health, and perhaps life...